Saturday, 27 March 2010


I have contacted the Gamekeeper in Derbyshire, who is interested in participating and had a meeting at Royal Bolton Hospital yesterday and I will  photograph some of the hospital staff on Thursday 8 April.  I should be able to get 3 or 4 people there.

I also received a reply from Network Rail about the possibility of me photographing the railway staff at Piccadilly in Manchester, but I have to pay them a fee of £400, which I cannot afford, so I will have to shelve the idea.

My tutor decided that I photograph the Gamekeeper and hospital staff and leave it at that.  I need to concentrate on my essay and book design.  I still have an outstanding query from Forest Bank prison, so if they find someone for me to photograph, I will, of course, do it, but if they don’t, I won’t pursue it any further.