Friday, 19 March 2010

So far …

The nightworkers, sit well together.   This is the order they appear on the website at the moment, but this can change by the day.  The book images will appear in the same order as the website and vice versa.  The aim was to order the pictures so they get progressively lighter as the book goes along. Or maybe I should do it the other way around …
I have other nightworkers lined up for next week:
  1. Highways agency – Monday 22 March – 9.30pm.
  2. Birth partner – Wednesday 24 March – 7.30pm
To arrange:
  1. I am meeting with Bolton Hospital on Friday 26 March at 11.30am and hopefully I will have some dates arranged.
  2. I was supposed to photograph a funeral director today, but I couldn’t get hold of him – I’ll ring him again next week.
  3. I will ring back the bus company to see if I can photograph the bus driver.
  4. A prison has agreed for me to photograph someone, but only if I can do it outside, which is fine.
I would like to photograph airport workers, as well as those who work on the trains, and I have put the feelers out for that. A paramedic/ambulance driver would an important addition, as they are the only emergency service that isn’t represented.
There are a few people I still  need to contact, but I also have to think about time.  I need to take another look at the book design and sort that out, as well as writing the extended essay.  There will come a point very shortly when I have to STOP, although I could keep going forever…